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Our new Church

I can’t believe we’ve already moved in! I haven’t even seen the entire property yet, but I am in awe of what has been accomplished. My little perch at the sound board where I run Media-Shout is awesome. SO much more room and an awesome new set of projectors. HUGE!!! We have 3 cameras, a huge 56 channel sound board and a 112 channel light board.

The guys I work with are great folks. Johnny W. has always run the sound and is still doing a great job. Michael V. is doing a great job with lighting and Cliff “The Man” is doing an awesome job with the cameras as well as producing the service. He manages 3 camera operators and the projection switching device. It’s a lot of fun.

Getting to the new church is no problem as long as you leave early enough and so far leaving from the church has not been that big of a problem traffic-wise. Parking is of course no problem as we seem to have plenty so far. The first service was almost a full house when we normally seat around 700-800 now we can seat I believe 1300. The second service was almost as crowded.

I’m looking forward to getting the others trained in Media-Shout though so I can start sitting with my wife and also return to my Sunday school class. I have truly missed seeing everyone in the morning around the coffee pot.

I like Bro. Greg’s statement on the main page, “God has led us on a long journey. We move in claiming a future that is powered by the love and mercy of God. There’s room for more. There’s room for you!” Come join us!

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